Game renamed + updates

Major changes:

- Game renamed to JusTD. This is shorter, easier to use/remind and more accurate, after all this is "just a TD game" :) .


- Some of the new UI elements are now in use. The ingame UI is still not fully finished, but they will come soon.


- Many null reference problems fixed.

- Cyclops5000 (the first boss) model fixed. It now properly renders the health bars and particle effects, just like all other enemies.

- Enemy health are always visible now. Armor and shield is only visible if their initial value is greater than 0.

- After the last enemy dies in a wave, the next wave can be instantly started or if there is still not visible areas then the Reveal Section button is immediately visible. This is to give the player the ability to quickly go through easy waves.

- The game end screen now properly displayes the win/loose condition based on the minimum required amount of waves to complete on each map.

- The game end screen now properly displays the amount and the type of damages that the turrets caused.

- Missing translations added.

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