Version 0.5.0 is here!

Version 0.5.0 is finally here! Yaaaay! :)


- UI has been finished. The screenshots show how the new ingame UI looks like with this blue-ish style.

- Skirmish and Campaign menu updated with the map names and the highest wave completed values.

- Skirmish and Campaign menu effects fixed. Previously, the particle system drastically reduced performance.

- Health bars' size on enemies and buildings/turrets doubled for better visibility on bigger maps.


- Skirmish and Campaign highest waves reached are now saved in a file and loaded back when the game starts. Campaign progression is also implemented, so the player can only move to the next map if he reached the required minimum wave count.

- Ingame environments updated to have some more details around the playfield.

- Game music should now play continuously, even after reaching the last song.

- All turrets and buildings have been implemented.

- Now all maps have chemicals deposit(s), but the deposits will probably change in later versions, based on feedbacks.

- Rocket missiles are now properly destroyed after they explode and now they do not reduce performance by staying alive in the memory.

- The Cyclops boss has been fixed, so it properly displays its health bar and the turrets properly damage it.

- When reaching the endless mode, the game uses the last non-endless wave enemies and increases their numbers by 1. It means that if the last non-endless wave had 1 boss, the next wave will have 2, then 3, then 4 and so on. This will greatly increase the difficulty in the "endgame".

- Enhancer tower now only receives xp in each second, instead of when its connected towers deal damage. This is because previously it reached its max level within 10-15 waves if it was surrounded by damage dealing turrets.


JUSTD - v0.5.0 (PC demo - 29 October, 2024) 254 MB
Oct 29, 2024

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